May 20, 2024, The founder of NK Age-Reverse was officially promoted as Professor (VK07). Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Siti Hamidah. Her success was confirmed 20 years ago in a discussion with his PhD supervisor, Prof. Richard Wakeman at Loughborough University, UK. about micellar technology that is used to extract proteins and antibiotics where this technology does not use chemical solvents but rather uses water.

She felt this was impossible. Now after 20 years, unexpectedly she has produced product using micellar technology that uses water as a solvent.

The 20-year period was a complex journey, which sparked innovation, revolution and creativity for him.

It is not straightforward. Various guesses were passed but like the Japanese saying “”Nana korobi ya oki” which means fall 7 times, get up the 8th time. Her commercialization efforts are to elevate research results so that they can be used by the public.
It is the output of his field of expertise which is chemical engineering, specializing in the field of separation which is micellar nanotechnology.She also stated that the world of commercialization is very foreign. Very different from the academic world. As a researcher, maybe she can produce many prototypes easily, but to market them, it’s another story that requires sacrifice and extraordinary skills.
Difficult but not impossible.


Not to be forgotten, she is very grateful to the staff and management of SHE Empire Sdn. Bhd. which is the backbone of all her efforts and success. She also sincerely hopes that she will continue to strive to achieve more excellence and that this effort will benefit many parties, especially UTM and the country, and help the community and young people in getting the best products and also job opportunities.

Prepared by :SHAI

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